The 7220 offers a cost-effective solution to the researcher needing the performance provided by DSP demodulation. The instrument performs all of the normal measurements of a dual phase lock-in amplifier, measuring the in-phase and quadrature components, vector magnitude, phase angle and noise of the input signal.
Two auxiliary ADC inputs, four DAC outputs and eight output logic lines are provided. These can be used to record the magnitude of external signals associated with the experiment, such as temperature or pressure, or to generate voltages to control or switch other equipment. Information from the ADCs together with the lock-in amplifier's output data can be stored in the 32k point buffer memory prior to transfer back to a controlling computer.
The 7220 is extremely easy to use. All instrument controls are adjusted via the left-hand display panel and its associated keys, while the right hand panel shows the two selected instrument outputs. Auto functions need only two keypad presses to activate and in many cases eliminate the need for manual control adjustment.
External control of the unit is via either the RS-232 or GPIB interfaces, using simple mnemonic-type ASCII commands. A second RS-232 port allows up to sixteen 7220 or compatible instruments to be operated from a single RS-232 computer port by connecting them in a "daisy-chain" configuration.
Features: 0.001 Hz to 120 KHz Voltage and current mode inputs Direct digital demodulation without down-conversion 10 us to 100 ks output time constants Quartz crystal stabilized internal oscillator Synchronous oscillator output for input offset reduction Harmonic measurements to 2f or 3f
EG-G 7220 1 mHz to 120 kHz Dual Input Lock-In Amplifier and other Lock-In Amplifiers for sale at Test Equipment Center.
EG-G 7220 products for sale at Test Equipment Center are thoroughly tested, and receive electrical and cosmetic reconditioning as needed prior to sale. All products include a 90 day warranty from Test Equipment Center to ensure your complete satisfaction.
Test Equipment Center sells used Lock-In Amplifiers and Laboratory Test Products from EG-G , PAR, Princeton Applied Research, and many other test equipment manufacturers.
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